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Twas a box of cereal that provided the motivation for this week's version of Moot Points, as Hiko found a checklist showing the "18 things to do before you're 18" on the back of the box of his favorite morning snack. Intrigued, Hiko took inventory on how many of the tasks he accomplished. We also get his thoughts on the conclusion of the NBA Finals, as well as why this is the time of year he starts to long for fall.


John HnatIf you've seen the first two parts of this column up on the site this week and have not gotten around to reading them, make some time this weekend.  John Hnat (of The Good, The Bad, & The Summary fame) takes us deep inside his mind and heart to chronicle his attempt to qualify for the Boston Marathon amid strife in his family life.  This is the final installment of this three part epic ...


John HnatIf email responses are any barometer, the first installment (linked inside) of this piece from John Hnat was one of the more popular columns we've run here at The Cleveland Fan in a long time. It's the story of our Cavs beat writer John Hnat, who is also a distance runner trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon ... amid some serious heartbreak in his home life. I'm very pleased to bring you Part II of his journey this morning. The final installment posts Saturday.


John HnatHands down, this is another must read column and one of the better pieces we've run on this site. Our Cavs beat writer John Hnat, a fantastic wordsmith, is a helluva guy that I've gotten a chance to get to know alot better over the last year. In addition to his work for us, John is a distance runner who is trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon. And this pursuit got even more difficult this year due to some unexpected changes in his personal life. This is his story, at least Part I of it. Parts II and III will run Thursday and Saturday mornings. A great, great read.


He pulls no punches and calls it as he sees it. He hates his ex-wife. He's lived in NY, in LA, toured Europe, attended film school before coming full circle back to C-Town. He's Hiko. In this week's Moot Points, he talks about driving behind slow drivers, dreaming about ESPN's Mike Greenberg, the first two games of the Cavs/Spurs series, and Eva Longoria.


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