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Erik CassanoMichigan. Woody Hayes hated the state so much he wouldn't buy gas there, or so the legend goes. He wouldn't even refer to it by its proper name, calling it "that state up north."  However, the pro sports rivalries between the two states have been subdued.  Until now.  The climate has changed, and Erik Cassano pens an excellent column about it for us this morning.


Monday is Memorial Day, and in his latest column, The Rhino takes some time out to remember and honor some of the Cleveland area athletes who sacrificed their lives for this fine country of ours.  Some of the names will be familiar to some of you.  Most will be familiar to not even the biggest sports buffs.  Yet these men all deserve our praise and admiration more than even the biggest stars to grace this town.


In this week's Moot Points, Hiko tackles prevalent life issues such as dog fighting, voodoo, and his favorite topic .... divorce.  Hiko also hits on the just completed Cavs/Nets series, looks ahead to the Pistons series, and New Jersey's forward Mikki Moore's likeness to a certain rag doll.


In his latest column, Jarad Regano weighs in on the whole Robert Horry/Steve Nash, Phoenix Suns/San Antonio Spurs debate.  And without hesitation, he takes the side of Stu Jackson and David Stern for their suspensions of Boris Diaw and Amare Stoudemire.  Regano says the suspensions were unfortunate, and that the rule may need tweaked ... but that the right thing was ultimately done.


Tony LastoriaWe may not have a championship to show for it, but part of the fun of being a fan is the chase for that elusive championship. And, even when you don't win, sometimes a season can still be very satisfying. In his latest, Tony Lastoria takes a look at the ten most memorable seasons in Cleveland over the last 25 years. And here's hoping we can add "2006-07 Cavaliers" to this list soon.


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