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It's once again time for Hiko to grace the front page of TCF with his Moot Points ... one of the most read columns we post all week here on the site. Why? It's sporking hysterical. This week, the dark and disturbed Hiko tells about the new novel he's writing. He looks back on games two and three of the Cavs/Nets series. And hits on Carlos Boozer, My Space, and atheism.


Nick AllburnIn his latest column, Nick Allburn has some suggestions for the Browns, Cavs, and Indians. Things our three professional sports franchises can do to help enhance the fan experience associated with following these teams. Embrace Chief Wahoo! Bring back Reghi! Dump the Browns cheesy new mascots!


Moot Points is our Monday night dose of levity here at The Cleveland Fan, and the column has developed a cult following over the last couple of months. In this week's piece, Hiko talks about how he would use his powers if he was a superhero and also chronicles his recent run in with a state trooper after getting pulled over for speeding. He also hits on the Cavs playoff run and reading in the shower. Don't ask. Just read.


Gary BenzIs this really happening? The Indians are in first place. The Cavs just swept a playoff series and are awaiting an opponent for the Eastern Conference Semifinals. And the Browns are coming off their most promising draft in decades. This is Cleveland ... right? In Gary's latest, he says it's all good right now in C-Town.


You just knew he'd cave. After three months without a cigarette, Hiko started smoking again. I can personally verify it too. This sporker kept me out bar hopping till 2:30 AM Friday night before the draft party. Hiko talks about falling off the wagon, the Cavs/Wizards series, and the Browns new slate of draftees in his latest version of Moot Points.


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