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You never quite know which direction Hiko is going to take Moot Points in each Monday, and this week is no different. Showing his versatility as a columnist ... Hiko manages to touch on women too old for bikinis, the Virginia Tech killer, and the Cavs being able to rally for the #2 seed. With a little reader mail thrown in as well.


Long time readers of the website know we like to lighten things up here from time to time a little dose of humor, and there are few funnier people on this planet than Hiko. In this week's Moot Points, Hiko hits on the death of Kurt Vonnegut, self-improvement tactics, the Cavaliers stretch drive, and Brady Quinn. Hiko also debuts "Reader Mail" this week. Uh oh.


The Stanley Cup Playoffs started this pat week, and the Hornless Rhino admits ... being a hockey fan in Cleveland is a lonely business. Of course, Cleveland isn't the only place where hockey has a hard time attracting fans, but the sad thing about Cleveland is that it used to be very different here. Back in the day, hockey wasn't just big here in Northeast Ohio, it was huge.


Gary BenzGreat, great stuff here from Gary Benz, who uses his latest column to examine the vast differences in how Major League Baseball and the National Football League are governed using two recent examples. Roger Goodell dropping the hammer on malcontent "Pacman" Jones. And Bud Selig's handling of the early season weather fiasco.


Buckle up, it's Moot Points time here at The Cleveland Fan. You never know exactly what's coming next from Hiko, and this week ... he finally starts to make some headway on the collection of ex-wife songs he's been working on, and takes some time to play around on Hiko also hits on the OSU-Florida basketball game, Indians opening day, and the Cavs last four games.


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