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Mitch CyrusIn this week's Crystal Ball, Mitch admits it's hard to think movies with the backdrop of last night's depantsing of the Pistons. But being the good soldier he is, he trudges forward and reviews this weeks new releases on DVD and at the theater. "Knocked Up" and "Mr. Brooks" are this weekend's big theater releases. And Mitch also updates us on the latest M. Knight film, "Oceans Eleven" for women, and the retirement of legend Paul Newman. Enjoy.


Mitch CyrusThe third installment of the "Pirates" series hit the box office this Memorial Day weekend to big numbers, and like with any film of significance ... we dispatched the mega-talented Mitch Cyrus to the theaters to review it for us.  Mitch loved the first Pirates, and gave the second film an "incomplete" rating when he reviewed it for us about a year ago.  What did he think of the third one?  He tells us in his latest movie review.


Mitch CyrusMemorial Day weekend is Mitch's favorite holiday of the year. Cookouts, beer, golf, baseball on TV ... and there's always a big movie release. This year is no different, as "Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End" hits the theaters, and Mitch will be there this weekend to review it for us. We've also got a big release on DVD thios week, and in the News & Rumors section ... Mitch updates us on projects centered around G.I. Joe & The Sims, talks about the sequel to "The Untouchables", and makes fun of romantic comedies.


Mitch CyrusIt started out with a bang.  Literally, as a nuke went off in the first few hours, jarring Jack out of his funk.  But it ends barely limping to the finish line, a series as badly in need of a reboot as the Batman movies were prior to "Batman Begins".  Still, it's been fun watching Mitch poking fun at the obvious, and he goes out the way he came in; with snarky comments a-blazing.


Mitch CyrusI'm in New York on business this week, so I still have The Sopranos and 24 waiting for me at home back in CTown on Tivo. So I'm posting this column blind as to not ruin the surprises of watching both shows. I can do that with Mitch, as he is a helluva writer. I don't think I've ever had to edit one word of anything he's ever written for us in the last 18 months. Of course, this will probably be the column where he drops 15 F Bombs and insults my mother. Mitch recaps this week's episode of The Sopranos.


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