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Mitch CyrusIndians in the ALCS ... Browns hosting the Phish ... Buckeyes in another exhibition game against a 7th tier MAC team... and three movies coming out that he wants to see. I pity Mitch's lovely wife Clarissa this weekend. Speaking of those films, there are some good ones coming out at the theaters today, and as he does every Friday ... Mitch previews them for us in this week's Crystal Ball. GO TRIBE!!!!


Mitch Cyrus"Eastern Promises" is one of those flicks I didn't hear too much about when it came out, but after talking to Mitch and reading this review ... this is a flick I'm going to make a point to get out to the theaters to see. The focus of the film is the inner workings of the Russian Mafia, operating out of England ... starring Viggo Mortensen and Naomi Watts. And Mitch reviews it for us here at The Cleveland Fan.


Mitch CyrusMitch has the Tribe and the Browns on his mind, but always takes time to hammer out the Crystal Ball for us ... our Friday night staple here at The Cleveland Fan.  Like always, Mitch fills us in on the new flicks hitting the theaters and on DVD, and gives us the latest scoop on the news, rumors, and projects coming out of Hollyweird. 


Mitch CyrusFriday night means it's Crystal Ball time here at The Cleveland Fan, and this week's column is chock full of good info on the film industry.  In the rumors section, Mitch talks about the latest "Terminator" and "Justice League" films and also Spielberg's latest project.  There's also a series of interesting theater releases this week, and "1408" and the latest "Fantastic Four" film come out on DVD.  Mitch breaks it all down for us in this week's column ...


Mitch CyrusEvery friday night here at TCF, Mitch previews the weekends new releases at the theaters and on DVD in his "Crystal Ball" column.  This week, Mitch also takes a look at the new fall television season, which starts next week.  Last seasons TV debuts were generally weak, but Mitch says the coming season may offer a little more promise as there are some interesting new shows creating some buzz.  He covers the Browns for us.  He reviews movies.  Hes our entertainment guru.  The only thing this guy doesn't do is french braid hair.  He's Mitch.


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