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Mitch CyrusWith Cavs/Bulls at 3 PM tomorrow and the Buckeyes at 6 PM, Mitch isn't going anywhere near a theater this weekend. "Blades of Glory" is expected to destroy at the box office this weekend though, and Mitch previews that and the other new releases in this week's Crystal Ball. Also, in the rumors section, Mitch reports on the reunion of Leo and Kate ... as well as DiCaprio starring in another new Scorcese film that sounds freaking awesome.


Mitch CyrusFresh off his Oscar nomination for his role in "The Departed", Marky Mark Wahlberg is suddenly one of the more sought after actors in Hollywood after a non-descript beginning to his acting career. In "Shooter", Wahlberg plays a Marine sniper who has become a recluse after a botched


Mitch CyrusThere are still two nukes out there, but now Jack and the Feds have Gredenko in custody to help them get to Fayed. Nadia was exonerated as a traitor. President Palmer is back in the fold. And the Bauer Death Count (tm) is at 15. As always, there's no shortage of drama on "24". Mitch checks in with his weekly recap.


Mitch CyrusThis week there will be a complete turnaround at the theaters. Last week, only three lame movies came out to try to compete with


Mitch CyrusIt was a busy week on "24". President Logan's status was left as a cliffhanger as they didn't even address his stabbing at the end of last week's episode. We still don't know who the mole in CTU is. Ricky Schroeder became even more abrasive in his role as "Mike Doyle". And Jack found out that former love Audrey Raines is dead ... which we all know means that she is really alive. Confused? Mitch is here to make sense of it all for us.


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