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Mitch CyrusIn the Friday night spot we usually reserve for "The Crystal Ball", Mitch delivers a year in review piece instead for us tonight, as nothing of note hits the theaters this weekend. Mitch takes a look back at the year in movies, highlighting the best and worst new movies from 2006. Mitch has done great work for us all year, and this piece is no different. Thanks for everything in 2006 Mitch!!!


Mitch CyrusAs a pre-teen in Central Ohio, and the son of parents that grew up 30 miles from Huntington, WV, Mitch remembers well the plane crash on November 14, 1970 that wiped out an entire football team, and sent shockwaves through an entire region. 36 years later, Mitch reviews "We Are Marshall", the story of this plane crash for us here on The Blurbs. Mitch has a strong opinion on this film, and as usual, delivers a phenomenal review for us.


Mitch CyrusIt grows in popularity each week ... it's the "Crystal Ball", a Friday night staple here on The Blurbs. Per usual, Mitch previews the weeks theater releases - led by "Rocky Balboa", "We Are Marshall", and "The Good Shepard". In the rumors section, Mitch talks about a new Star Trek movie, set to star Matt Damon. And also hits on the week's DVD releases, which feature "The Black Dahlia" and "Jackass 2". Enjoy.


Mitch CyrusLike many people, Mitch viewed the news of another Rocky picture with hoots and insults about Rocky hitting someone with his walker. After the horrible


Mitch CyrusMitch has developed quite a following here on The Blurbs for his witty, verbose, and well thought out movie reviews and columns on the television and entertainment world. He's as talented a writer as we have on staff here, and in the wake of my top 150 movies list ... we had alot of requests for a list from Mitch. So without further adieu, here are Mitch's Top 100 movies of all-time.


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