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Mitch CyrusIt's Oscar night ... and you knew we'd be all over it here on The Blurbs. Our resident film critic Mitch Cyrus took some time out for us to put together his predictions for tonights major awards, laying out who he thinks will win, and also who he personally feels SHOULD win. Couple reminders on on Oscar night: stop by our movies board in our message forum, where we have some great chatter going on. And wear something nice tonight Scarlett!!!!


Mitch CyrusMitch finishes up his look at the five contenders for Best Picture of 2006 with his review of "The Departed", a film I had the pleasure of seeing last weekend. What a flick!! Nicholson, Damon, DiCaprio, Wahlberg, Baldwin, and Sheen. Directed by Scorcese, and centered around the Irish mob in Boston. Slightly up my alley to say the least. Mitch has a pretty strong opinion on this film as well. Find out his thoughts in his review of "The Departed".


Mitch CyrusIt's Oscar Week ... which I'm sure you've noticed by now, as we ran Mitch's previews of the Best Picture candidates this week. In tonights Crystal Ball, Mitch looks at the top theater releases of the weekend ... highlighted by "The Astronaut Farmer" and "The Number 23" starring Jim Carrey. Also, in the news and rumors section, Mitch confirms the third "Meet The Parents" movie as well as Tom Hanks working on a western film. Mitch's Oscar preview will post this weekend.


Mitch CyrusIn his fourth review of the five Best Picture of 2006 contenders, Mitch reviews "Babel", starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett as a married couple seeking respit in Morocco, only to run into an unexpected dose of violence. Up for a host of Oscars, this is a love/hate film. Did Mitch love it or hate it? Find out for yourself in his latest movie review for us. On Thursday, we'll rerun Mitch's review of the final best pic contender, "The Departed".


Mitch CyrusHe's baaaack. You knew it was only a matter of time before the slimy former President Logan reentered the plot line. Especially if you've been reading Mitch's weekly recaps. Great episode Monday night. Lots of twists, most of them unexpected, and the suspense level was ratcheted up several notches. Mitch fills us in on what happened, and what he sees coming down the pike on "24".


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