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Mitch CyrusMitch's look at each of the five contenders for Best Picture of the Year continues tonight with his review of "Little Miss Sunshine", a film about a disfunctional family that travels cross country to enter their seven year old little girl in a national beauty pageant out in California. For this review, Mitch channels our Cavs beat guy John Hnat, he of the wildly popular "The Good, The Bad, & The Summary". Enjoy.


Mitch CyrusStarting today, Mitch will be reviewing each of the five movies up for Best Picture of the Year when they give out the Oscars this weekend. We start out with "The Queen", which is an intimate behind the scenes glimpse at the interaction between Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Tony Blair in the wake of the death of Princess Diana on September 1, 1997. Tomorrow, we'll run Mitch's review of "Little Miss Sunshine". Monday, "Letters From Iwo Jima". Tuesday, "Babel". and Thursday "The Departed".


Mitch CyrusNext weekend is The Oscars, and we have a big week of prep for you here on Da Blurbs. The mega-talented Mitch will review ALL FIVE movies up for Best Picture of the Year .. and we will run them all over the course of the next week. In this weeks Crystal Ball, Mitch previews the new movies at the theaters (Ghost Rider, Breach) and on DVD (The Prestige, Babel).


Mitch CyrusWow ... two excellent episodes of "24" this past Monday night that featured plenty of action, torture, and plot twists. In his Wednesday regular feature, Mitch recaps the episodes and reassesses his thoughts on what is happening and what is yet to come. Mitch also makes some significant changes to his "Bauer Death Count", "Who's The Traitor", and "Life Expectancy" features this week ... predicting major plot twists looming right around the corner as the season approaches the mid way point.


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