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Mitch CyrusJust one release of note at the theaters this weekend, but it's a big one. "300" is being projected to be only the third


Mitch CyrusIt was another great episode of "24" this past Monday night, and per usual ... Mitch checks in with the episode recap. We had a couple big plot twists, developments in the former President Logan angle to the show, and the appearance of Rick Schroeder's character next week. Mitch fills us in, and tries to predict where we're going in his latest "24" recap.


Mitch CyrusTwo great releases this week. "Zodiac" at the theaters, which Mitch is hailing as the first Great Movie of 2007. It's directed by David Fincher, who gave us "Se7en" and "Fight Club" and chronicles the Bay Area "zodiac" serial killer of the 60's and 70's. I can't wait to see this one. Also, "Borat" (which I have yet to see) hits DVD on Tuesday. Mitch profiles all the new releases ... and also all the latest Hollywood news and scoop in this week's Crystal Ball.


Mitch CyrusStarring Nicholas Cage and the smokin' hot Eva Mendes, we dispatched Mitch to go review "Ghost Rider" for us this week out at the theaters. Mitch had mixed expectations going into this one, but as he puts it in the review, he was pleasantly suprised at not having to "leave the theater with the desire to immediately pound nails into his head or gargle Drano". How many footballs did it get from Mitch? Find out in his review of "Ghost Rider" ...


Mitch CyrusOn this week's episode of "24", we saw alot of jumping around back and forth between the three main story lines. And we had a serious development at the end of the show. Is President Palmer dead? What about Assad? Per usual, the Mitch Man makes sense of it all for us in his weekly wrap ...


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