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Tony LastoriaIn a relatively unexpected move, the Indians signed outfielder Trot Nixon to a one year deal last week. The addition moves Casey Blake to 1st base and leaves Ryan Garko (pictured) and Shin Soo-Choo as question marks to make the big league roster, and at best ... scavengers for at bats. In his latest, Tony Lastoria talks about Mark Shapiro's obsession with bringing in average veterans for starting roles over more promising prospects, a practice that started began with the Brandon Phillips Debacle.


Cris SykesWith the contracts of C.C. Sabathia and Travis Hafner both set to expire after the 2008 season, the debate amongst Indians fans over which one the team should lock up for the long term has kicked into full gear. Earlier this week, Erik Cassano stated that he felt Hafner should be the one to remain an Indian. And today, Cris Sykes backs Sabathia. He finds the notion of letting a home grown, fireballing, left handed starter with #1 stuff go elsewhere to be preposterous, and makes a spirited plea for the team to pony up, and keep CC here in CTown.


Erik CassanoAfter publicly salivating over the contracts given to free agent starting pitchers this off-season, and seeing what those pitchers recieved - it's hard to imagine C.C Sabathia still wearing an Indians uniform come 2009. In his latest, Papa Cass says that somebody is going to drastically overpay for this guy, and given the talent that is waiting in the wings to work for a sliver of the price, he'd just as soon it not be the Indians.


Erik CassanoTrot Nixon is a Cleveland Indian. Is it because of his bat? His glove? Or is it something else? Super-talented Eric Cassano says it might be for another reason.


In his most recent piece, Jarad Regano asks the question: should the Indians entertain trading C.C. Sabathia right now? Regano says it's simply not realistic to expect the team to resign C.C. in the wake of the numbers guys like Zito and Schmidt recieved this off-season. And Mark Shapiro has been unable to close the deal on other big names like Ryan, Sheffield, Hoffman, Ramirez, and Alou. Could a deal of C.C., with two friendly years left on his deal, yield the pieces needed to get this team over the top?


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