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Erik CassanoThe best division in baseball got a little better a couple of days ago when the defending American League champion Tigers went out and acquired slugger Gary Sheffield from the Yankees for three minor league pitchers. On paper, this cements Detroit as the favorite to once again represent the AL in the World Series. But Papa Cass can't help but wonder if they aren't making some of the same mistakes that the Indians did at the conclusion of the John Hart era.


Erik CassanoPapa Cass weighs in with his thoughts on the Indians recent trade, and is genuinely excited about their young infield of Garko, Barfield, Peralta, and Marte. In the same breath, Cassano wonders aloud where the veteran presence and leadership is going to come from. And should the Tribe have used Kouz to shore up their bullpen instead?


Tony LastoriaIn his latest, Tony Lastoria goes back in time and examines the beginning of the Indians rebuilding process, affectionately known as "The Plan" to most of the Indians fan base. Lastoria provides damning evidence of the sad shape John Hart left this franchise in as the reigns were passed over to Mark Shapiro. And makes a solid argument that Shapiro had to do what he did back in 2001. A helluva read from a helluva writer. Enjoy.


Tony LastoriaThe Indians made a big trade today, acquiring 2B Josh Barfield from the San Diego Padres for 3B Kevin Kouzmanoff and reliever Andrew Brown. Lastoria profiles Barfield, and gives the scoop on what this trade means for the Indians as free agency begins, and how much of a steal he feels this trade was for the Indians.


Cris Sykes"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it." In his latest, Cris Sykes says that Larry Dolan, Mark Shapiro, and Eric Wedge all made some mistakes last season that they hopefully learned from. Sykes singles out those mistakes and lays out his blueprint of the perfect off-season in this excellent piece.


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