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Erik CassanoWith the Tigers so busy making the World Series, they haven't really had a chance to visit the old neighborhood and catch up recently. Fortunately, the Tigers' ALCS sweep afforded them an opportunity to relax for a few days and see what some of the other teams have been doing as their offseasons begin. The Tigers had a cup of coffee with the Indians early this week. Here's what went down ...


Tony LastoriaMark Shapiro gave a lengthy and detailed interview to WKNR on Friday afternoon, hitting on a wide range of topics. Tony Lastoria was studiously taking notes, and was kind enough to type up his review of what was said for us here at the Blurbs. This is well worth the read, as Shapiro lays out the plan for the off-season, and says some things that are somewhat surprising.


Erik CassanoIt was a season filled with disappointment for the Indians and their fans alike. Mark Shapiro is in the last year of his deal, and manager Eric Wedge is on tenuous footing with the fan base. In his latest, Papa Cass tells you what Mark Shapiro would tell you if he were totally candid about himself and the state of the Indians.


Erik CassanoPapa Cass is back, and this time to hand out his final grades for every member of the Indians season ending roster, as well as Wedge, Shapiro, and the Dolans. Grady and Pronk both got A's, but where did the rest of the Tribe grade out? Find out here.


Tony LastoriaIn his latest, Tony Lastoria looks back on the series of events that led to Brandon Phillips being dealt to Cincinnati this past April. Lastoria has some not so kind words for GM Mark Shapiro, who he feels cannot afford to make mistakes like this with the teams payroll limitations. And as a result of this colossal error, the team still needs a second baseman. This is a great read from the talented Lastoria.


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