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Tony LastoriaIf you listen to the local sports talk radio shows, or read the Cleveland media outlets such as this one ... fans are skeptical about the Indians off-season moves this year. Yet, most of the national media types have hailed the Tribe for what they feel has been a very productive and prudent off-season. It's made for some great debates, and Tony hits on that and the '07 Indians in his latest.


Tony LastoriaThe best Tribe minor league column in existence is back, and recaps the recent controversy in the Rule 5 Draft that saw the Indians lose upper tier prospect Ryan Goleski. Tony also reports on some coaching changes down on the farm, and delivers stats for all the Indians top prospects from the various fall and winter leagues they played in. Lastly, also included are links to Tony's Top 35 Indian Prospect write-ups ... a must read for any diehard Tribe fans.


Gary BenzGreat column this morning from Gary Benz, who has been an excellent new addition for us here at The Blurbs. In it, he takes a closer look at Mark Shapiro's radio telling radio interview earlier this week. He says it was classic Shapiro. In-depth and substantive in a way no other team official would dare allow and yet so full of spin as to make one question, upon reflection, whether he said anything at all.


Tony LastoriaIndians General Manager Mark Shapiro appeared in studio on


Erik CassanoEric Gagne signed with the Texas Rangers yesterday, inking a deal that will pay him 6 million dollars next season, and as much as 11 million bucks if he hits all of his incentive clauses. The signing closes the books on the Indians pursuit of the risky Gagne ... but what will the team do with the dollars they had allocated to offer him?


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