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Steve BuffumWhat a performance from C.C. last night. I was lucky enough to be behind the dish for that gem. If you heard someone screaming "Punch him Gibbons!" every time Toronto's skipper went to the mound, that was me. In todays B-List, Buff hits on C.C.'s fine season, Wedge running Victor into the ground, and also cracks several Gustavo Chacin jokes.


Steve BuffumIn todays B-List, Buff looks back at last nights 6-4 win over the Jays, which was the 14th Indian win in the last 19 games. And Grady Freaking Sizemore ... good god. The kid now leads the AL in extra base hits, doubles, and runs. Buff also hits on his boy Ferd Cabrera's resurgence, Choo's cannon throwing arm, and Garko's offensive prowess.


Erik CassanoJust one thing has been consistent during the four year reign of Eric Wedge and Mark Shapiro argues Erik Cassano. And that is the teams inability to win games when the pressure is on them. The team has gotten off to four consecutive slow starts, then rebounded to play better ball when the pressure was off in each season. Papa Cass argues that this is a dangerous trend, and an indictment on manager Eric Wedge.


Steve BuffumIn the Monday edition of The B-List, Buff takes a look back at the weekend set with Detroit that saw the Tribe take two of three from the division leading Tigers (that still sounds weird). Buff hits on the emergence of Jeremy Sowers, who is now 5-0 with a 1.69 ERA in his last seven games. He also touches on Cliff Lee's inability to keep batted balls on the ground, and the Indians "Baezing" of Fausto Carmona by making him back into a starter.


Tony LastoriaAn undrafted player tearing up minor league pitching and trailblazing a path to the majors? That's almost unheard of, but that's exactly what Brian Barton (pictured) is doing for the Tribe. Lastoria hits on this, John Farrell's weekly radio spot, Adam Miller being named player of the year, the minor league playoff races, and who we're likely to see called up in September in the latest version of "Minor Happenings" ... the best Indians minor league column on the web.


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