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Steve BuffumAre we there yet? The Indians season is starting to drag, especially seeing as how the team has lost 7 of 10, and reached 80 losses last night. Two main themes in today's B-List, which examines the Indians 4-3 loss to the A's last night. The reconversion of Fausto Carmona to a starter, and how easy it is to second guess baseball managers.


Steve BuffumAfter making a late summer surge behind a wave of new callups, the Tribe is once again starting to flounder. Last night, they were befuddled by Kirk Freaking Saarloos at the dish, and could not throw strikes when on the mound. Buff hits on those points, applauds the team for finally playing Kouzmanoff in the field, and even mentions to quote Ross Perot in todays B-List.


Tony LastoriaIn this latest version of Minor Happenings, Tony chronicles the AA Akron Aeros run at back to back titles. Lastoria also reports on all the Indians elite prospects, and what the team has in store for them this off-season as well as next season. Tony also reports on the addition of Mike Rouse from the A's, and wraps up the seasons of the Indians other minor league affiliates.


Steve BuffumBuff recaps last nights game in Oakland and chimes on on how annoying (but effective) Jake Westbrook is, pleads for Juan Lara to be used more, ponders why Jason Michaels even played last night, and more.


Steve BuffumLet me get this straight: we win the game with the Fausto Carmona - Johan Santana matchup, but lose the game with the C.C. Sabathia - Carlos Silva matchup? We score twice as many runs off Santana as Silva and Scott "Home Run" Baker combined? We win a game because Ryan Garko was too fast to be doubled up? Have I been taking crazy pills?


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