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Tony LastoriaIn the weekly roundup of the happenings down on the farm, Lastoria profiles former Buckeye Scott Lewis, as well as provides news updates for all the Indians minor league affiliates. Don't forget to check out "Minor Recaps" this weekend for up to date player and team performance.


Steve BuffumThe Indians ended their six game losing streak last night thanks to a Hafner walk off, and as a result, The B-List has a slightly more pleasant tone to it today. In today's column, Buff is clearly happy about the return of Rafael Betancourt, examines Jhonny Peralta, and continues his thesis on "Good Paul" versus "Bad Paul".


Steve BuffumSix losses in a row. Three to the Royals and three to the Tigers. Buff angry. Looking for a bright spot, he did supply me with a new quote of the day in this column. "Danny Graves designated for assignment. I will miss him in the same way political cartoonists miss Dan Quayle."


Tony LastoriaNow broken down into two pieces (one ran Thursday, one on Sundays), Lastoria's Indians minor league updates are as good as anything on the web. If you're like me, and are too busy to analyze every freaking Tribe minor league boxscore ... this column is a great place to get caught up on everything that happened in the last week in five minutes time.


Regano comes large with a fantastic article. His premise? Maybe this years Indians aren't as bad as they look to all of us right now. And that a perfect storm of happenings caused last years team to outperform their talent level, setting unrealistic expectations for this season.


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