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Steve BuffumIn the Monday edition of The B-List, Buff examines the weekend set with the hated White Sox that saw the Tribe drop two of three to the defending champs. Buff also pays some special attention to the streaky nature of Victor Martinez's season thus far, and the Indians woes at shortstop.


Rich SwerbinskyFirst off, check the classic shot I found of the old Wedge porn stache. I never thought I'd be pining for this guy to grow that atrocity back on his grill, but it's clear he can't coach without it. In this piece, I take a look at some paralells between Wedge and Butch as his descent was beginning. And I also have some fun with Wedge's robotic cliche laden press conferences.


Dear Tribe Fan: Many of the articles you read on this web site deal with the fun and excitement that goes along with our favorite baseball team. This article, I must warn, is very different. It deals with a growing epidemic in Cleveland and its surrounding areas. An outbreak of FOBS (Front Office Bullshit Syndrome) is serious, and is something that all sensible Tribe fans are seeing in others. What is worse is that many infected with the disease are completely unaware they are infected.


Steve BuffumBuff says it all in his intro to today's B-List: "Apologies in advance for the brevity of the list today, but frankly, how much can one say about a game like that? I supposed I could give Roget a workout looking for synonyms of 'suck.'"


Steve BuffumDespite announcing his candidacy for Mayor of Pronkville this week, Steve Buffum is back with his latest edition of The B-List. In it, Buff provides further analysis of one of his favorite topics: Paul Byrd's ball-strike ratio. He also starts lobbying for an All-Star spot for Grady, examines further terror on the basepaths from Tribe base runners, and makes the claim that Jason Davis may be the best pitcher in baseball with an 8 run lead.


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