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Tony LastoriaIn his weekly roundup of the happenings in the Indians minor league system, Lastoria focuses on a middle infielder that we could be seeing here in Cleveland in the near future. Joe Inglett has flown under the radar of most Tribe fans to this point, yet continues to produce down on the farm.


Regano's latest column is an interesting one, as he calls for the promotion of Jeremy Sowers from AAA, and the demotion of Jason Johnson to long man. Regano lays out his case brilliantly, and also manages to get in his usual cheap shots at Larry Dolan and his Onion Wallet (every time he opens it, he cries).


Steve BuffumSweep! God we needed that. In today's B-List, Buff goes inside the numbers of yesterdays win over the Royals. He's got love for Casey Blake, hates on Aaron Boone, and examines the methods to Wickies madness.


Steve BuffumThe results of the first ever Eric Wedge Haiku contest are in, and we got some very creative entries. The winner was Jon Cooper, who will be getting something from the Swerbs Blurbs online store in his mailbox this week. Check out Jon's winning haiku, and some of the other best entries here.


Steve BuffumIf the Indians play a game while the Cavaliers are beating the Pistons, do they make a sound? Lost in the shadow of one of the biggest wins in Cavalier history, Jake Westbrook threw a gem against the Royals last night. And Buff's here to tell you about it ...


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