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Tony LastoriaRight-handed pitcher Sean Smith has dominated AA Akron since his callup at the end of April, and now is back on the prospect radar. Also, a quick rundown of all the team stats, league leaders, and noteworthy stats for individuals at Buffalo, Akron, Kinston and Lake County.


Steve BuffumThat one felt good. Buff's back to analyze yesterdays thorough ass-whoopin' of the Twins. As usual, he hits on several topics, including CC's dominance, Victor's awakening, and Ron Gardenhire's ejection. If there is a better daily Indians column anywhere on the world wide web, I haven't seen it.


Tony LastoriaIf you're like me and don't have time to follow all the Indians minor league teams on a daily basis, check Lastoria's weekly column out. In his weekly whirlwind through the Tribe farm system, Tony puts the spotlight on Rafael Perez, and also highlights Farm Director John Farrell's weekly radio interview.


Steve BuffumIn today's B-List, Buff breaks down what went wrong in yesterdays heartbreaking 10 inning loss to The Twinkies. He also examines the emergence of Fernando Cabrera, the demise of Guillermo Mota, and Eddie Perez's continued dominance of left handed pitching.


Steve BuffumIt wasn't all bad this weekend. The Tribe took two of three from the Pirates, and have now won five of their last six to even their record back up at 22-22. As if the city of Detroit hasn't inflicted enough pain on us, the Tigers now improbably stand at 29-14 though. In his regular Monday feature, Buff recaps the weekend that was from the wigwam.


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