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Steve BuffumA win! Would asking to actually win a series be too greedy? In today's B-List, Buff Daddy comments on the Indians explosion from the 6-8 holes in their lineup, and the Yankees unwillingess to pitch to Pronk. He also takes a closer look at Cliff Lee's performance yesterday, and speculates on what the loss of Casey Blake will mean to this team.


Steve BuffumYou know things are bad when Swerbs Blurbs columnist Steve Buffum considers changing the station from the Indians to the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Steve also pontificates on the ability of Grady Sizemore against left-handed pitching and wonders where this Rafael Perez guy has been all year. Plus, Steve points out some evidence of steroid abuse by the hometown boys.


Erik CassanoIn Cassano's latest, he addresses the rumors in the most recent copy of ESPN The Magazine that say that the Cavs and the Bucks are discussing a deal where they would send Drew Gooden to Milwaukee for center Jamal Magloire. Papa Cass speculates that this could in turn lead to a deal of Big Z, and he's not sure how much he likes that idea.


Erik CassanoPapa Cass's latest column makes the case that some of the warning signs are now evident with the Indians of a team coming apart at the seams. A lack of hustle, players hiding in the bushes with stray women, and players fighting after games. My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.


Steve BuffumAs Buff says in today's open, "sometimes the other guy is just good". In his look back at yesterdays 1-0 loss to the Pinstripes, Buff takes a closer look at a great performance from Wang, and the tightrope job of Paul Byrd. We find out his new whipping boy is Todd Hollandsworth, and that Fausto Carmona is developing into a pretty good reliever.


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