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Brian McPeek


With all due respect to whoever said “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” when referring to Christmas, well, that guy obviously lived in a time before the NCAA tournament. I’m not sure there is a more enjoyable 10 day period on the sports calendar than the time between the start of Championship Week and the NCAA tournament. Not even the drama over Jim Tressel and the Ohio State football team can kill the buzz. So let’s talk college hoops and look at the Tressel situation as well in this edition of The Weekend Wrap.

And hey, it’s been at least ten minutes since we’ve had any Cam Newton talk so let’s give that some run as well if we have time.


Adam Burke

paciorettyThe Blue Jackets have lost six in a row, so their playoff hopes have reached the “Grim Reaper” stage. Three of the losses have gotten them a point for coming in extra time, but they have also left the Blue Jackets eight points out with 16 games to play. The problem at this point is that there are simply too many teams to jump over. 

But, bigger than the problems facing the Blue Jackets are the problems facing the NHL. If you have heard any hockey news over these past few days, you have definitely seen Tuesday night’s Zdeno Chara hit that result in Max Pacioretty sustaining a Grade-3 concussion and two fractured vertebrae in his neck. If you have not seen the hit, here’s a Youtube link.


Michael Kramer

double_face_palmI spend a lot of time on the internet. Too much time probably. No, definitely. It's ridiculous how much time I waste. It makes me sad when I think about all that I could have accomplished and that I could accomplish still, if only I would do something, anything, productive with my inconsiderable but valuable free time.


Brian McPeek

mothra-9We’ll hit a little bit of everything in this week’s edition of The Weekend Wrap. We’ll start with Godzilla vs. Mothra and then work our way down to the Cavs, Tribe and Buckeyes. But the story that dominated the news last week was the NFL owners and the NFL players finally reaching an agreement….. an agreement to wait another week before really doing vicious battle over a $10billion pot of gold.


Andrew Clayman

gates-ksuThe 2011 NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament is still a week or so away, but STO's Greatest NCAA Cinderellas Tournament is well underway, with one round already in the books. It started with 32 of the most memorable dark horse teams from the past 32 years competing for the right to be called March's Most Miraculous. Your votes have now cut the field in half, as we're down to the Sweet Sixteen. So, what happens when every team in a bracket is a pesky, relentless overachiever? Are there really any upsets when each match-up features a pair of upset specialists? Do local legends Cleveland State and Kent State deserve to see another day? Time to find out. Round 2 of the Cinderella Bracket is here.

Again, the word "upset" is a bit of relative term when you're talking about two Cinderella schools meeting each other outside the limitations of time and space. But still, there were some surprises in Round One of the brackets. The biggest came from the Dark Horse Regional, where 7-seed Chattanooga (1997) snuck by 2-seed LSU (1986). A few 5-seeds advanced, as well, with Davidson (2008) beating Temple (2001) and the aforementioned Kent (2002) and CSU (1986) getting the local love over 4-seeds Xavier (2004) and Boston College (1994). This brings us to our eight Sweet Sixteen match-ups, and suffice it to say, voting for the more impressive Cinderella story is going to be a good bit tougher this time around.


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