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Michael Kramer

walter_and_the_dude_with_toeIt's finally over. 2010, possibly the worst year in the history of Cleveland sports, is a memory. Maybe that's an overstatement, but it's at least the worst year for Cleveland sports since 2009. It came to a horrific, but probably fitting end, with the Browns once again being embarrassed at home by the one team against who a victory can take much of the sting out of another hopeless season.

The Browns managed to keep the game close for one play, after which the talent and motivation gap was too much to overcome. After an interception off of the hands of Ben Watson on the second play of the game, the Steeler's morally objectionable QB launched a perfectly thrown TD pass 56 yards to put the game out of reach. 3 total plays. 45 seconds. Game over. This was, of course, followed by Ian Eagle (or maybe it was the other guy) declaring that this is a good way for the Steelers to try to start the game, or something to that effect.

Yes, to be sure, more teams should try to start the game with an interception and 56 yard TD pass. Good idea. It's just another nail in Mangini's and DaBoll's offense that they didn't think of it first. Not that those particular coffins needed any more nails. I have a feeling that those coffins have been nailed shut for a few weeks now. It's probably going to be another clean sweep of the coaching staff and another new beginning for the Browns. And that probably includes everybody's favorite defensive coordinator, Rob Ryan, architect of the vaunted bend but don't break a sweat defense.


lebowski_and_brandtI'm done caring. I tried to defend Mangini et al. I've run out of arguments. The team played hard for him, I guess. They were better than last year, I guess. They are on the right track, I guess. I just can't really point to anything to support those conclusions. Let's face it. Charged with the task of playing their biggest rival in the one game of the year that matters, the Browns went out in front of the home crowd and took a giant dump.

As Jeffrey Lebowski (The other Lebowski. The deadbeat) might say, the plane has crashed into the mountain.

In that little analogy Mike Holmgren would be the Big Lebowski (I guess that makes Heckert the character Brandt).

He will not abide another toe.

An Awkward Glance Ahead At The Browns

Now that the season is over, the Browns will be able to prepare for their Super Bowl, the draft. But, that is months away. Before that starts, there will be a new head coach in place. So, let's glance ahead at a few likely candidates.


Erik Cassano

Quitness_shirt1. LeBron takes his talents away from Cleveland


July 8

We'll likely never have a full, clear picture of why LeBron James decided that he was better off leaving the Cavaliers for the Miami Heat this summer.

Maybe he truly felt that he could never win a title here. Maybe he was starstruck by the idea of forming a mega-team with Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. Maybe he needed the buffer from criticism that two other superstars could provide. Maybe he didn't get along with Dan Gilbert. Maybe he resented playing in an unglamorous Rust Belt town while other superstars got to hold court amid palm trees, swimming pools and movie stars.

Maybe he did it after months of careful consideration. Maybe he did it on a whim. Maybe he did it purely for his own reasons. Maybe he was manipulated into it by Wade and Pat Riley.



Adam Burke

arnieljackets2010 has been an interesting year for the Blue Jackets. They celebrated the ten-year anniversary of the franchise, named a new head coach for the first time since November of 2006, and they released new third jerseys. With so much going on, here are the top five developments of the year 2010 for the Columbus Blue Jackets.

5. Missing the 2010 playoffs: A year removed from their first playoff berth in franchise history, anticipation was high for the 09-10 Jackets squad. But, a nine-game December losing streak and the end of Ken Hitchcock’s tenure as head coach highlighted the season. The Blue Jackets went from winning 41 games in the 08-09 campaign to winning just 32 in 09-10. The drop-off led to the Blue Jackets picking in the top five for the first time since 2003.

4. A new third jersey: The Columbus Blue Jackets began taking pre-orders for a new third jersey before it had been released. It was a rather questionable tactic, given the overall disenfranchisement of the fan base and their minimal return on investment for tickets. Nevertheless, the team unveiled the new uniform on November 24 against the Detroit Red Wings. The jersey got mixed reviews and the team has not had much success while wearing them. But, for an organization looking for a spark, the excitement leading up to the jersey was a talking point for fans and the media.


Erik Cassano

Mangini_sideline_3The year 2010 might have been a little short on good news for Cleveland sports fans, but it was far from uneventful.

That's why this year's countdown is a little different, rebranded from "Top 10 sports stories" to "10 biggest storylines."

Here you'll find the good, bad and ugly that made 2010 another memorable year in Cleveland sports. Some spots on our countdown will make you dream about the future, some might give you nightmares.  But it's all here -- our send-off to 2010, as we wait with equal parts anticipation and trepidation for what 2011 will bring.

Over the last five days of the year, our top 10 Cleveland sports storylines will be unveiled here, leading up to No. 1 on New Year's Eve.  Check back daily as the countdown continues.


Erik Cassano

Colt_celebratesThe year 2010 might have been a little short on good news for Cleveland sports fans, but it was far from uneventful.

That's why this year's countdown is a little different, rebranded from "Top 10 sports stories" to "10 biggest storylines."

Here you'll find the good, bad and ugly that made 2010 another memorable year in Cleveland sports. Some spots on our countdown will make you dream about the future, some might give you nightmares.  But it's all here -- our send-off to 2010, as we wait with equal parts anticipation and trepidation for what 2011 will bring.

Over the last five days of the year, our top 10 Cleveland sports storylines will be unveiled here, leading up to No. 1 on New Year's Eve.  Check back daily as the countdown continues.


3. Colt McCoy emerges as Browns' starting QB

October 17

He wasn't supposed to play this year. He was supposed to dutifully stand on the sideline, clutch a clipboard and learn.

Then Jake Delhomme sprained his ankle. Then Seneca Wallace sprained his. And Colt McCoy was pressed into action in an emergency role -- against, of all teams, Pittsburgh. That Oct. 17 start went about as well as could be expected from a third-round pick seeing his first NFL action against one of the league's best defenses.


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