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Mitch CyrusYesterday we ran Mitch's review of "Michael Clayton", which he loved ... giving it the esteemed four football rating we've only seen him dole out a handful of times in the two plus years he's been reviewing movies for us.  Tonight, we move on to Mitch's second review of the five films nominated for Best Picture of 2007, "Atonement", starring the smoking hot Keira Knightley.  Mitch had a slightly different take on this film.


Mitch CyrusIt's Oscar Week, and now in our third year of existence, every year at this time we run reviews on all five contenders for Best Picture on consecutive days in the week leading into the Academy Awards.  We start that process today with Mitch's review of "Michael Clayton", a dark, suspenseful film that tells an engrossing story of corporate greed and corruption.  This movie just came out on DVD, giving film fans the chance to watch it at home before the award show.


Mitch CyrusIt's Oscar Week next week, and as we do every year, we're going to run movie reviews from Mitch on each of the five contenders for Best Picture of 2007, one a day from Sunday to Thursday.  In this week's Crystal Ball, Mitch has got all kinds of good info for us, including info on a couple great DVD releases in "Michael Clayton" and "American Gangster".  Also, in the News & Rumors section, Mitch lets us know when Jack Bauer and the latest season of "24" will return to TV now that the writers strike is over.


Mitch CyrusThis winter has been brutal for new movie releases ... but promise is on the horizon and we're about to get The Mitch Factor cranked back up here on The Cleveland Fan with movie reviews on every film of note that hits the theaters in '08.  The fun starts next week when we will run reviews from Mitch on each of the five contenders for Best Picture on consecutive days.  In his latest, Mitch has put together a GREAT piece for us, looking at the greatest sci-fi films of all time.


Mitch CyrusCrap, crap, and more crap.  That's what's been coming out every Friday at the theaters as of late.  And instead of dispacthing the talented and trusty Mitch Cyrus to the theaters to review junk, we've had Mitch out seeing all the contenders for Best Picture at the Oscars coming later this month.  And like we do every year, we'll run all five reviews in the five days leading up to the awards.  It;s Friday night!  It's The Crystal Ball ....


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