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Mitch CyrusFriday night on The Cleveland Fan means it's once again Crystal Ball time here on the site. This week, Mitch previews the six films that hit the theaters this weekend as well as the five films that release on DVD. He also touches on the Golden Globes, which took place this past week, and tells our readers what happened and which films are likely to be the five nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards. Stay warm this weekend! It's movies Friday and Saturday night for me, with football on Sunday ...


Mitch CyrusWell, we're four hours in to season #7 of the hit prime time drama "24", and we're seeing some familiar themes. Someone we thought was dead is really alive. There's a mole inside the government. And Jack Bauer is once again An Enemy of the State. Predictable? Unrealistic? Maybe. But is there a more entertaining show on network TV? The Mitch Man is once again here to make sense of it all for our readers, with his recap of the second two hours of season #7 of "24".


Mitch CyrusFinally! Jack is Back, after 20 months wandering in the desert...or the jungles of Africa...whatever. In any case, "24" has at long last started its seventh day, and I have once again coerced our guy Mitch into providing recaps to each and every episode. This season started off with a bang, and as he has done in the past, Mitch is here to make sense of it all for us. Returning are his "Jack Bauer Body Count", "Who's The Mole?", and "Odds of Survival" features ... as well as his witty bloe by blow accounts and predictions of where the show is headed.


Mitch CyrusThis isn't just a good sports weekend, with Cavs/Celtics tonight and NFL Playoff football Saturday and Sunday. Clint and Jack are back. Clint Eastwood, in the much anticipated film "Gran Torino". And Jack Bauer, in the hit television show "24". "American Idol" and "Lost" also get going soon here, and there are a slew of new movies now available on DVD. Mitch makes sense of it all for us in this week's "Crystal Ball".


Mitch CyrusIt wasn't a good year for the Indians. It most certainly wasn't a good year for the Browns. And if you've been reading Mitch's excellent film reviews on The Cleveland Fan all year, you also know it wasn't a great year for movies. But even in the worst of years, we have some great ones. And in his year end recap, Mitch gives us his ten best and worst movies of 2008 and also hands out some awards for the year in movies.


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