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Mitch CyrusIf you live in New York or Los Angeles, you are starting to be able to see what will be the frontrunners for the Oscars. For the rest of us? Another weekend to skip the theaters. Luckily, last week and this coming Tuesday were pretty good for DVD releases. Mitch hits on all the new releases at the theater and on DVD, as well as scooping our readers on some of the biggest rumors and developments in the worlds of film and television.


Mitch CyrusStarring Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman, "Australia" is drawing strong reactions from critics on both sides of the ledger. The film is set, fittingly, in northern Australia at the beginning of World War II and is centered around Nicole Kidman's character. When evil cattle barons plot to take her land, she reluctantly joins forces with Hugh Jackman's character to drive 2,000 head of cattle across hundreds of miles of the country's most unforgiving land, only to still face the bombing of Darwin, Australia, by the Japanese forces that had attacked Pearl Harbor only months earlier. Mitch reviews it for our readers.


Mitch Cyrus"Australia" and "Four Christmases" are the weekend's big box office releases. The newest "Chronicles of Narnia", "Step Brothers", and "X-Files: I Want To Believe" come out on DVD. A couple of very popular hour dramas got picked up for additional seasons. And there's new news on Marty Scorcese's latest project. Mitch delivers the straight skinny on all of these items in this week's Crystal Ball.


Mitch CyrusJack is Back baby! "24: Redemption", the two hour movie that lets us know what Jack's been up to since the conclusion of Season 6 and setting up the start of Season 7 on January 11. Sunday night, 9 PM on FOX. It's not a great weekend for theater releases (some good DVD releases though), but who cares? It's a great sports weekend, which all gets started Saturday at noon when the Buckeyes take on those chumps from that state up north.


Mitch CyrusTwo years ago, Daniel Craig single-handedly re-invigorated a tired James Bond franchise that had almost been reduced to parody with his brilliant performance in "Casino Royale". Gone were the invisible cars, the laser beams from Space, the ridiculous gadgets, stupid women trying to act smart (we're talking to you, Denise Richards), and boring retreads masquerading as plot lines. Craig is back as Bond in "Quantum of Solace", and Mitch reviews it for our readers this afternoon.


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