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Mitch CyrusNot a huge week for releases at the theaters and on DVD this week, but the News & Rumors section of this week's Crystal Ball is a veritable treasure trove of juicy info on big projects in the works. In that section, Mitch tells us all the latest on the "24" movie, "Iron Man 2", "Spider Man 4 ... as well as the latest projects Sean Penn, Keira Knightley, and "Slumdog Millionaire" beauty Freida Pinto are working on.


Mitch CyrusMitch called the death of Bill Buchanan. And for that matter, he's been out in front of pretty much every plot twist we've seen so far in season #7 of "24". And in this week's column, Mitch predicts we still have one major plot shift coming. The Bauer Body Count is now up to 21 (roughly one kill every 34 minutes). The Odds Of Survival chart has shifted dramatically. And as always, we get Mitch's hysterical recap of last week's episode.


Mitch CyrusThe "unfilmable" film has been filmed and has been released. And now that it has, Mitch doesn't think the arguing about "Watchmen" will die down anytime soon, and calls it one of the most critically polarizing films he's seen in the past decade; a "Love it or Hate it" movie if there ever was one. Why all the buzz? What did our trusty movie critic think of the film? He tells our readers in his latest movie review for us here at The Cleveland Fan.


Mitch CyrusBack after a week off due to post Oscar decompression and no theater or DVD releases worth anything, The Mitch Man gets back into the saddle for his regular Friday night column, The Crsytal Ball. In it ... Mitch previews all the week's releases at the cinemas and on DVD, and also lets us know about all the latest Hollywood scoop and big upcoming projects that are being worked on. This week's releases of note are "The Watchmen" at the theaters and "Australia" and "Milk" on DVD.


Mitch CyrusNow that the mad rush that was the run-up to the Oscars is over and done with, it's time for The Mitch Man to get back to reviewing new releases, not just "award-worthy" films that have, in many cases, been around since December. Today, Mitch offers up a couple of short reviews on two films he HIGHLY reccomends. One is still playing at the theaters, and has been the biggest surprise so far in 2009. The other is a gem of a little film for HBO, that Mitch says stacks up against any of the Oscar award winning films from a couple weekends ago.


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