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Mitch Cyrus24_Episode_12So the sun may be rising by the end of this episode, which is quite ironic since the sun is setting upon this series, as Fox announced last week that this season will be the last for “24”.

Way to go out on a high note, guys.

Johnny Unitas in a Chargers uniform and Joe Namath as a Ram were more dignified ways to bow out than the Dana Season.


Jack getting shot three times has resulted in “Grade 3 Level Bruising”, whatever the hell that is, and Jack’s snarl almost breaks the EMT’s ribs when he asks Jack if he wants any pain killers.  Jack Bauer IS a pain killer.  Or is that “a man who kills painfully?”  Whichever works.  Since Jack’s stab wound has already completely healed in seven hours, I’m not too worried about a couple of bruises, and he won’t even be wincing within 30 seconds.


Mitch Cyrus

CrystalballAs everyone who reads my columns knows, I really enjoyed “Avatar”.  However, that doesn’t mean I’m not shaking my head over the news that a bunch of people are now going about learning to speak Na’Vi as an actual language.  As William Shatner once said in that great SNL skit where he was speaking to a Trekkie Convention, “Get a life!”


Mini Review – Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

I will admit that the first Boondock Saints movie was a guilty pleasure of mine, although I was more fascinated at the sordid details of bartender turned writer/director Troy Duffy’s exercise in self destruction for first getting and then losing a big deal for this film, and then finally getting it made and released, earning almost nothing at the box office, but then achieving cult status from its DVD release.


Mitch Cyrus

ChloeWhen a Jedi senses a great disturbance in the Force, it is Jack Bauer.

The momentum continues to build on this season.  I’m not sure we are even out of the woods for this being considered the Worst. Season. Ever., but at least it is finally trending the right way.


In going through the “previously on 24” section, I just realized that Chloe had said of Kayla’s car that “she was just exiting [Something or Another] Bridge”.  And 15 seconds later, she is in the tunnel at their doorstep.  So who the hell was the genius who decided to put such a top secret, ultra important security and law enforcement agency right next to everything?

The same people who dreamed up KevinBob and Dana.

Nuff said.

There is a little something called Disaster Recovery that every government agency and publically traded company must have…by law.  And for the most crucial operations and services, organizations usually have what is called a “hot failover” site that provides redundancy, and enables you to quickly recover if even the worst happens…like having a bomb or EMP taking out your entire facility.


Mitch Cyrus

CrystalballHollywood must have guys (and some girls as well) in mind this week.  Knowing that a vast majority of sports fanatics are going to be way too busy this weekend watching the NCAA Tournament...often spending over eight hours each day doing so, there was absolutely no reason to release any decent movies this week.

Believe me; they aren’t.  So who is releasing more losers this week: Hollywood or the Cleveland Browns? (my wife, the diehard Brady Quinn fan, is going to get me for that one).

On the positive side, when you are ready to take a break from basketball Sunday night, there will be the next episode of “The Pacific” waiting for you.  As I had hoped, the first episode was nothing short of brilliant.  “Band of Brothers” had set such a high bar that I was afraid that this one might fail to meet such lofty expectations.  Another concern was they would take the exact same approach and tone as was done for Band of Brothers.  No worry on either account.

This is going to be a classic.


Mitch Cyrus

Fox-3AMWithholding information from Jack Bauer is now classified as a suicide attempt.


So THIS is episode that we were breathlessly told last week would “change everything”?

Something else I just realized.  M. Night Shyamalan MUST have been hired to right the Dana/Cole/KevinBob/Milton subplot.  That is the only explanation I can have for something that started out badly, and has steadily got worse Every. Stinking. Episode. 


Right away, we have another reminder that there is a “twist that will change everything” coming tonight.  Oh, my!  I wonder what it could be?  Any chance that it will be something we’ve not seen before?  Any chance that ESPN won’t mention Tiger Woods in the next week?

They start off with Bubba talking about how Tarin is “planning to disable our defense systems”.  Really?  He’s the (former) head of security for the president of a foreign country, so I’m not exactly seeing how his job duties and previous places visited would allow him to do that, but perhaps I’m missing something here like a triple PhD in nuclear physics, computer science, and quantum mechanics.


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