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Mitch Cyrus

blind_sideThe Oscars will be broadcast next Sunday night, and as is our tradition at TheClevelandFan, we will be looking at the film vying for the title of Best Picture.  We start with "The Blind Side", the surprise hit of the year and one of the highest grossing football films of all time.  While this "feel good" film is one of six films that will be content with just being nominated, it may not be shut out of the major awards, as Sandra Bullock is the favorite to win Best Actress for her role as the spunky, real life Leigh Anne Touhy.

Just three years ago, Michael Lewis wrote a very unique and very successful book about football entitled "The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game".  The book focused primarily on two very distinct topics, one of which was a very technical analysis of the changes to the game of football over the last three decades, starting with the arrival in the NFL of Lawrence Taylor.  Taylor's dominant play from the outside linebacker position, particularly as a pass rusher attacking the left side of the offense, led to a fundamental shift in offensive line play.  In order to protect the highly valued (and highly paid) quarterbacks, teams needed a new type of player...a left tackle that could counter the new style of pass rushers; behemoths who were blessed with incredible strength, incredible quickness, and incredible finesse.  These protectors of the quarterback's "blind side" have evolved to the point that they are often the second highest paid players on NFL teams.


Mitch Cyrusshutter-islandTo me, the sign of a great artist is to see one who, while already at the top of his game, stretches himself to try something entirely different.  Martin Scorsese finally reached the pinnacle of his profession three years ago with the superlative film “The Departed”, another riveting look at the seedy underworld of organized crime in America.

Coming off that success, Scorsese could make any kind of movie he wanted, so he decided to channel his inner Alfred Hitchcock, giving us “Shutter Island”, a dark, intense, and disturbing psychological thriller that would make the Grand Master Hitchcock proud.  In the long run, it won’t even rate in Scorsese’s top five films, but there is nothing wrong with going out on a limb to make something that is both different and familiar, and to do so with such a keen eye for the details

The film is all about tone, shot almost as film noir, and Scorsese sets it right off the bat, with ominous music playing a bit too loud as we first see U.S. Marshall Teddy Daniels hunched over a toilet.  He is on a ferry to the brooding Shutter Island, a prison/hospital facility for the criminally insane, a place where only the worst offenders are kept, a New England Alcatraz where escape from the island is impossible.


Mitch Cyrus

CrystalballGood-bye, February, and good riddance.  At least there was one good movie that came out of this wasteland of a month, “Shutter Island” (I’ll run my review tomorrow).  And let’s not even talk about the weather.

Hopefully March will be much better outdoors and in the theater.

As a note; next Sunday is Oscar Night…which always means that we turn TheClevelandFan into All-Mitch, All-the-time for a week.  Now I usually run reviews for all of the films nominated for Best Picture (or re-run them in cases where I’ve reported on them earlier).  But this year, there are ten of those suckers, and even I think that might be too much of a good thing (me).  So in the upcoming week, I’m going to run reviews of the four movies that all the experts think will be fighting it out for the title; “Avatar”, “The Hurt Locker”, “Inglourious Basterds”, and “Up in the Air”.  I’ll also rerun “The Blind Side”, simply because I reviewed it back in December.


Mitch CyrusJack Bauer needs to torture the writers of "24" as a favor to all of us who have watched every episode.


If this is indeed the final season of "24", then it is going out with a whimper and not a bang.  Quite sad that two of my favorite shows are stinking it up so bad this year...and "24" isn't even the worst.  Not after the ridiculous antics and plot devices going on this season on HBO with "Big Love".


Mitch CyrusFirst "Must See" movie for me this year...and I'll have to wait until Monday to get a chance to see it.  Oh, well..."Shutter Island" will still be there on Monday, but my tee times in Myrtle Beach can't wait (yes, those of you still snowed in can start being haters now).


Mini-Review - "Zombieland"

I now have another addition to my "Guilty Pleasure" list, and the second edition to the sub-category "Zombie Comedy", right behind "Sean of the Dead".  "Zombieland" is a wonderful movie; funny, gross, surprising, and wickedly vicious with its satire.

I guess Michael Cera was too busy, so they brought in his body double Jesse Eisenberg for the role of the geeky loser who is one of the last survivors of the human race as a virus has caused everyone else to become flesh eating zombies.  He's a neurotic mess, but his obsessive compulsive habits (he keeps a list of things to do to survive.  Rule #4: Always buckle your seatbelt) have kept him alive.  He meets up on the road with the swashbuckling redneck Tallahassee, played to perfection by Woody Harrelson.  They then meet up with con running sisters played by Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin, and make their way across the deserted landscape to LA.  Why?  So the youngest sister can play at an amusement park...killing a boatload of hapless zombies along the way.  OK.



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