There seems to be a consensus with the fans of "24" that I've ran into over the past three weeks.
And that is that this season is pretty damn lame so far.
The biggest problem seems to be with the subplots, in that the entire Dana/Jen/KevinBob bit is just so unbelievable as to be painfully, laughingly embarrassing to watch. The other problem is that most (including me) seem to think that Cherry Jones just isn't believable as President. Personally, I saw weakness in the character last year, but she had her moments when the White House was under attack. This year? Bleh.
Hopefully Charles Logan comes back as soon as possible to liven up the joint.
I'm thinking of running a poll on the boards for "Lamest President in Television and Film". Right now, the two top nominees would be Alison Taylor and Thomas Whitmore (Bill Pullman) from "Independence Day". Send me some more ideas, and we'll put this in place in the next week or so.