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Misc Movies/TV TCF Authors Paul Cousineau

Paul Cousineau has been actively following the Indians since his days in the “Little Indians’ Fan Club”, when he and his friends absorbed fielding tips from Brook Jacoby like little sponges and stood in awe of the immortal Pat Tabler.

Born and bred on the East Side of Cleveland, he had his passport stamped after graduating from college to cross the Crooked River and set up shop on the West Side.

At the urging of his Milwaukee-bred wife, he started writing The DiaTribe in Spring of 2004 to put his thoughts on the Indians on paper, so to speak. He can usually be found sitting in the Mezzanine at most home games, chatting up Bob the Beer Guy and looking over the shoulder of the guy with the ponytail who keeps score of every home game in front of him.

He and his wife welcomed their first child Patrick in winter of 2006. Though he won’t publicly comment whether his son’s name is an homage to Tabler, it couldn’t have hurt.

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