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Meet The Writers

For the longest time, Nino Colla wanted to cover the Cleveland Indians as a member of the press. Until one day he realized he already commiserates about the Cleveland Indians all the time, there's no point in making it a full-time job. If you were to categorize his childhood with the specific era of Indians baseball he grew up with, you would probably call it a rough childhood. Nino grew to love that rough childhood though, even with the likes of Alex Escobar roaming the outfield and Jason Davis throwing 100 mph beach balls. 

Nino is originally from Youngstown, Ohio, now lives in Kent, Ohio while working towards his Master's in Higher Education-Administration at The University of Akron. He graduated from UA in May 2012 with a double-major in Communications. He's maintained his own blog, The Tribe Daily, since March of 2008 and uses it to compile all relevant information on the Tribe and occasionally photoshop Indians players in an effort to be semi-humorous. While working towards his Master's degree, he freelances for local Canton-area newspaper The Suburbanite covering High School sports. Nino's daily spurts of ridiculous Indians talk can be found on twitter @TheTribeDaily.

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