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Misc Movies/TV TCF Authors Michael Kramer

Mike Kramer was born and raised in Willoughby Ohio.  Without his consent, he was immediately indoctrinated with the dreaded Cleveland Sports Fan gene.  After high school, he attended Grove City College in western Pa and earned a degree in molecular biology, in the hopes that he might be able to genetically engineer a Cleveland Sports owner who wasn’t a moron.

When it turned out that this would be really really hard, he decided to become a dentist, dooming him to yearly gifts of Hermie Chrristmas ornaments.  He earned his DDS from tOSU in 2001 where his Buckeye fandom turned into a mild fanaticism.  After a brief stint in Youngstown, he returned to Cleveland and settled in Avon where he lives with his lovely wife and young son.

He joins the esteemed TCF writing staff where he will contribute all manner of nonsense with the unstated goal of making everyone else look better by comparison.

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