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Misc Movies/TV TCF Authors Andrew Clayman

Andrew Clayman is an Akron native and Bowling Green State University grad currently making his home in Chicago, IL. Despite having moved out of state, he is a firm believer that certain other Akronites should stay home and play for their nearest local professional sports team for the full extent of their careers

That said, Andrew has already sacrificed his youth and sanity for perennial heartbreak as a Browns, Indians, Cavs, and Zips fan. He was in the stands at Browns Stadium on Bottle Throwing Day, and his father was at 10 Cent Beer Night. The tradition runs deep. Mention Cory Snyder's mustache, Dwayne Rudd's helmet, or Cedric Henderson's jump shot and you've got a conversation on your hands. After all, when the big picture is this hard to look at, might as well focus on the funny little details.

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